Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Myanmar List of Non Government Organizations (NGOs)

From past disaster situations people with disabilities are frequently left out of relief efforts. Most commonly, any assistance comes from local organizations that work with people with disabilities—who usually are very cash strapped themselves and have great difficulty gearing up to meet the tremendous demands placed on them. Thus, based on past trends, here is a partial list of NGOs in Myanmar. Your donation has more of direct way to reach people with disabilities.

1. Association for Aid and Relief, Myanmar (AAR) - Associate
Address: No.65 Kyaikwine Pagoda Road, Mayangon Township, Yangon,
Phone: 951-661-712
Fax: 951-513762
Representative: Ms. Yuko Yokotobi
Founded in 1979 as the first Japanese private relief organization for refugees. Since then it has been dedicated to the emergency relief and development assistance for refugees, internally displaced persons and vulnerable population worldwide, and addressing issues of major concern. Its activities are based on the philosophy to spread the good-will of Japanese people over the world with no political, religious or ideological affiliations.

2. Co-operative Society for the Blind
Address: No. 132 Panpingyi Street, Kyimyindine Township, Yangon
C/O School for the Blind

3. Department of Social Welfare
Address: 64, Kabaaye Pagoda Road, Yangon
Phone: 95 02 650002

4. Eden Centre for Disabled Children - Associate
Address: No. 56, Wa Oo 4th Street, Phawkan, (Aungsan P.O), Insein Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-640399
Representative: Ms. Hta Oke and Ms. Lilian Gyi
The first non government, non profit charity organization for children with physical and mental handicap in Myanmar. It is established in April 2000 by dedicated and elated profession to provide a better environment where children with physical and mental handicap could experience love, equality care and compassion, by creating 1) a holistic care and quality services in physical, educational and spiritual field, 2) an awareness of PWDs in the community, 3) the services to community through the center "Out Reach" and CBR programs, and 4) an active part in the promotion of equalization of opportunities in all spheres for the handicapped.

5. Handicapped Project Center
Address: No. 2, Rabaraye Pagoda Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-661712
Fax: 95-1-513762

6. Mary Chapman School for the Deaf
Address: No.2 Thantaman Street, Dagon Tsp., Yangon
Phone: 95-1-221-872

7. Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief & Resettlement Department
Address: 64, Kabaaye Pagoda Rd., Mayangone Township, Yangon
Phone: (95-1) 662589, 662591, 663970
Fax: (95-1) 650002
"Social Welfare" is an organized activity that aims at helping towards a mutual adjustment of individuals and their social environment. This objective is achieved through the use techniques and methods which are designed to enable individuals, groups and communities to meet their needs and solve their problems of adjustment to a changing pattern of society, and through cooperative to improve economic and social conditions.

8. Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement - Focal Point
Address: Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Pyinmana, Myanmar
Phone: 95-567-404020
Fax: 95-567-404335
Established in 1953 and since then, more social welfare activities are being expanded and undertaken by the governmental sector, in close collaboration with the non-governmental organization. The social welfare policy is conceptually based on equalization of opportunities for vulnerable groups in Myanmar society. The government attaches a high priority to the welfare of children, youths, women, national races residing in the underserved areas, rural populations, the disabled, the aged, socially handicapped and disadvantaged groups. The Ministry is also responsible for rendering relief and resettlement services to victims of natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, floods and fire disasters.

9. Myanmar Blind Association
Address: No. 165, Baho Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-610774

10. Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind - Associate
Address: 165 Baho Road, Bayint Naun Zay P.O. 11062, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-661689/662034
Representative: U Thein Lwin
The objectives are to raise and develop education level of the blind, to make them able to earn their own living and to stand on their own feet, and to make them become capable persons who can participate fully on an equal basis with all others in the human society.

11. Myanmar Council of Churches-MCC Differently Able Program (MCC)
Address: No. 601, Pyay Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon
Phone: 951-537957, 531579
Representative: Daw Ja Buu, Daw Kaw Lom
MCC is carrying out rehabilitation program for persons with disabilities as well as positive social action and development programs, in addition to Christian religious activities.

12. Myanmar Disabled Peoples' Organization (MDPO)- Associate
Address: 63 Sagawabin Street, Kyimyindine, Yangon
Phone: 951-724093
Representative: Dr. Aye Ko, Secretary

13. Myanmar Disabled Peoples'Organization (MDPO)
Address: Office, Room B/104, No. 797,Mac Tower II, BO GYOKE Road, Lanmadaw, Yangon
Phone: (951) 222 923

14. Myanmar National Association of the Blind (MNAB) - Associate
Address: 131 Lower Kyee, Myindine Road, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 951-221601
Representative: Mg Aung Ko Myint

15. Myanmar Physically Handicapped Association
Address: No. 74, 1st Floor, 5th Street, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-227734, 95-9--099030629

16. Myitkyina Education Center for the Blind
Representative: U Daung Lan
The center is the branch school of the Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind (MCFB) under supervision of Self Supporting Kayin Baptist Mission Society. Currently, the center has a student body of 63 and 23 staff members. Formal educational classes from kindergarten to the 8th standard are offered, as well as handicrafts, broom making, knitting and massage.

17. National Rehabilitation Hospital - Associate
Address: Kyaik Waing Pagoda Road, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-660715, 660898
Fax: 95-1-527502
Representative: Dr. Zaw Win

18. Raise up Persons with Disabilities Group
Address: 6-A Thayarare 3rd Lane, Mayangon , Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: (951) 724093

19. Rise Up PWDs Development Group - Associate
Address: 6A Thayar Street, Mayangone, Yangon
Phone: 951-661676
Representative: Ms. Chaw Su, Member

20. School for Disabled Children
Address: 65, Kyaik Waing Pagoda Road, Mayagone Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-661442

21. School for the Blind (Kyimyindine)
Address: 132 Pan Pin Gyi Road, Kyi-myin-dine Township, Yangon
Phone: 951-538308,9
Representative: Daw Khin Sein Cho, Principal
Teaching normal education programme, vocational skills such as massage and cane weaving, computer skills, Japanese and English language skills, and social skills; setting up a library and making available Braille books for the blind; organizing sports activities; and organizing literary talks.

22. School for the Blind (Sagaing)
Address: Myo Thit Ward, Saggaing, Saggaing Division
Phone: 95-072-22237
Representative: Daw Tin Tin, Principal
Teaching literacy in Braille, vocational skills such as cane handicraft and massage, primary education, daily mobility skills, social skills, and music; and organizing sports activities

23. School for the Deaf
Address: Block 858 Branch of Sagaing Road, Chan Mya Thazt Town Ship, Mandalay
Phone: 95 02 34617
Fax: 95 02 650 002

24. School for the Needy Blind
Address: Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Division
Representative: Sayadaw U Nyay Ya
The school operates on a non-profit, social welfare basis and provides for all aspects of the living, health and educational needs of blind children from various States and Divisions regardless of race and religion.

25. Shay Saung School for the Blind
Address: Meikhtila
Representative: U Kyi, Principal
The school offers classes ranging from the kindergarten to the 5th standard, and makes arrangements for students to join State Middle Schools and State High Schools.

26. Training School for the Disabled Adults
Address: 65, Kyaik Wine Pagoda Rd., Thamaing, Mayangone Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-661712
Representative: Daw Khin May Than, Principal
Training courses are offered in the following subjects; radio, sewing, silk lace, photography, barber, and computer. Moreover, recreation activities and study trips to dying and hand-printing factories and garment are also arranged.

27. Training School for the Disabled Youth
Address: 65, Kyaik Wine Pagoda Rd., Thamaing, Mayangone Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-661442
Representative: Naw Sayra Win, Principal
Providing primary education to disabled children who are not retarded; providing special education to retarded children so that they learn vocabulary; providing training in handicraft to children who cannot cope with format education; teaching children their daily routine

28. Vocational Training Center for Adult Disabled- Associate
Address: No. 65, Kyaik Waine, Pagoda Road, Mayangone Tsp., Yangon
Phone: 95-661712
Representative: Ms. Wai Wai Lat, instructor

29. Vocational Training School for Adult Disabled Person
Address: 64, Kyaik Waing Pagoda Road, Mayangone t/s, Yangon, Myanmar
Phone: 95 01 661 712
Fax: 95 01 650 002

30. World Vision Myanmar - Associate
Address: 16, Shin Saw Pu Street, Ahlone Township, Yangon
Phone: 95-1-525191/706225
Fax: 95-1-527502
Representative: Mr. Roger Walwer
World Vision is an International Christian relief and development organization working for the well being of all people, especially children through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and promotion of justice. The heart of World Vision's work is in helping communities build stronger and healthier relationships.

31. Yangon Deaf Association - Associate
Address: Building 32B, Room 7, Kan Street, Quarter 9, Hlaing Township, Yangon
Representative: Mr. Ko Kyaw Yu
Handles deafness affairs by the deaf itself; to create job opportunities, supports one another with mutual understanding, maintains and develop the role of Myanmar sign language, upgrades the education level and literacy rate of the deaf people, supports the needy deaf in terms of money, moral, knowledge and human resources, upgrades the moral and morality of deaf people and figures out and protects the rights of the deaf people.

32. Yangon Education Center for the Blind
Address: No. 165, Baho Road, Kha Weh Chan, Mayangone Township, Yangon
Phone: 951-661689, 662034
Representative: U Thein Lwin, General Secretary

The World Vision Myanmar-Barrier Free Community Project prepared a Directory on the Organizations for/of People with Disabilities in Myanmar, in December 2003. The Directory is provided free of charge.

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